Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School Picture Day

So, I thought the twins looked pretty cute for picture day, now the question of the hour/day/ or what can I do to try to get Colton to smile? He seriously refuses to smile for any picture EVER!! It is so annoying. We did family pictures with Gregs family a few weeks ago, the WHOLE family, and he would not smile, I just dont get it? Any suggestions, advice? Even when we are having "fun" at the zoo, pool, family stuff, he frowns or scowls, I mean come on, he has a darn cute smile!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm stumped too! I know -- bribery, jokes, it seems nothing works. Ask him why he won't smile? Is he shy or stubborn. Stubborn seems to run in the Perkins' family!!

BYU Graduate

BYU Graduate
Heidi, we are proud of you!!

First Day of School

First Day of School
Colton and Dakota